This seemingly never-ending heatwave in Melbourne has left us all feeling a little hot and bothered on a daily basis.

During this time, it’s important to look after yourself and those around you who might be prone to heat exhaustion and dehydration.

We thought we might take this opportunity to share some useful tips with you on how you can stay cool during this heatwave.

  1. Don’t spend extended periods outside during the hottest part of the date – late morning to mid-afternoon.
  2. If you are out and about running errands, attending appointments or seeing friends, be sure to take a bottle of water with you at all times.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids – even if you’re not thirsty.
  4. Keep eating as you normally would as you will need a normal diet to replace losing all that salt from sweating. Furthermore, try to eat more cold foods, especially fruit and salads, as these contain water.
  5. Try to avoid all strenuous activities and limit activities such as gardening and housework to the early morning.
  6. Keep to the cooler parts of your house when inside, and keep the curtains and blinds closed in rooms that catch the most sun.
  7. Keep any windows shut while it’s cooler inside than outside but open them when it becomes hotter inside.
  8. Take cool baths or showers, and wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing.
  9. Keep your face cool by splashing it regularly with cool water. You can also place a damp cloth on the back of your neck to help you cool off.

Is there anything else you can do?


If you’re living alone, consider asking a family member or friend to visit or phone to check in on you and ensure that you’re not having any problems.

If there’s a neighbour that you know lives alone, be sure to check on them regularly to ensure that they too are okay.

Always keep an ear out for the local weather forecast so you can get the latest advice and plan accordingly. Check other weather reports and temperature warnings on the TV and radio too.

If you find yourself having breathing problems or if you have a heart condition, your conditions can worsen during hot weather. We’d recommend speaking to your local GP about what you can do.

It’s almost impossible to escape the hot weather during this time of year, but there are plenty of things that you can do to look after yourself and others nearby.

Whether it be some of the points that we’ve mentioned in this article, or some measures that you’re already taking, it’s important to look after yourself and stay safe during any and every heatwave.

If you would like to hear more about how Accent Home Care can assist you, call us on (03) 8720 1338 or email us on