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Józef’s Story: How Accent Home Care Helped Him Stay in His Own Home

Józef*, an elderly gentleman with a long history of strokes, had been living independently alone in his own home with the help of Accent Home Care services, when he found his health declining.  After his second stroke, Józef’s health took a significant turn. He reverted to only speaking Polish, which posed communication challenges for some of his care providers. Fortunately, his Polish-speaking Care Advisor from Accent Home Care, Jared, was there to support him. Jared’s ability to speak Józef’s native language made a huge difference in ensuring Józef felt understood and comfortable in receiving the additional care he needed.

After suffering a third stroke, Józef faced an even tougher situation. With his health declining further, he struggled to maintain his home chores, and he began missing medications, which greatly worried his family. The hospital recommended that Józef be moved to a nursing home for more intensive care.

But Józef wasn’t ready to give up his independence and was determined to stay in his beloved home.

In a conversation with Jared, he made his feelings clear: if he was placed into a nursing home he would “break the glass” to escape.  Jared understood how much staying at home meant to Józef and knew that moving him to a facility would likely impact his mental and physical health in a serious way.

Accent Home Care Helps Józef Increase His Home Care Package Level

So Jared didn’t just listen—he took action. Working closely with Józef’s hospital social worker, GP, and other health professionals, as well as Józef himself,  Jared organized a reassessment of Józef’s aged care package to make sure all of his care needs could be met at home, all while communicating in a language Józef felt most comfortable with.

He managed to arrange for a nurse to visit five times a week, ensuring that Józef received the care he needed right at home.

Thanks to Jared’s persistence and the support of Accent Home Care, Józef was able to avoid a move to a nursing home and continue living where he felt happiest—his own home.

His story is a testament to the personalised, compassionate care Accent Home Care provides, allowing individuals to maintain independence and dignity, no matter the challenges.


*not his real name


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