Caregiving for an elderly family member or friend can sometimes be an all-consuming job that many aren’t equipped to do alone.

Finding respite care services can be the answer in providing the caregiver with a vital break for a period of time, and can have many surprising benefits for both the elderly relative or friend and the carer themselves.

In this article, we’re going to look at what we believe are the 9 benefits of respite care for the elderly.


For those of you already in a caring role, you need the stimulation of conversation and the company of others who are in a similar position to you.

Respite home care services offer elderly Australians the opportunity to meet and engage with other like-minded individuals and enjoy the companionship of new friends.

Overall Wellbeing

At Accent Home Care, we take a holistic approach to care and will always consider the physical and emotional wellbeing of every elderly Australian client when providing them with their required level of care.


It’s vitally important for elderly Australians to keep moving as much as possible to ensure their joints and muscles are working properly.

Respite services provide elderly Australians with the assistance and encouragement they need to stand up and move around, with professional home carers available to help for a few hours, a day, or a short stay overnight.

my aged care

Nutrition & Hydration

It’s always important to eat a healthy balanced diet but more so as we enter our twilight years as people. 

Our respite carers can assist your elderly loved ones with meal preparation and shopping to ensure that they are still getting a healthy diet.

Maintain or Rekindle Interests and Hobbies

As with all home care services, respite care ensures that your loved ones can continue with their interests and hobbies, and general social activities.

This ensures continuity and normality whilst they are being looked after in the comfort of their own home.

A Stimulating & Safe Environment

In-home respite care allows your loved one to live independently in their own home while still receiving care. This is beneficial for both the individual and the regular caregiver, who can take some time away knowing their loved one is being looked after.

We know that elderly Australians respond well to structure; especially when they are receiving in-home support on their own terms.

This also helps with any concerns around mental health & well-being

Emotional Support

There are times when both the caregiver and elderly person need emotional support. Engaging a home care agency in respite care services can give both people the opportunity to receive care and support from healthcare professionals.

At the very least, they are there to listen to you and your family and provide as much care as possible.

Improved Recovery From Illness & Operations

The person you care for may have only begun recovering from an illness or surgery and needs that extra bit of support & help.

Respite services are incredibly beneficial with regards to wound care and medication management to ensure your loved one can continue recovering whilst being looked after in their own home.

Similar to what we mentioned before with hobbies & interests, this ensures continuity and normalcy which is especially important during their recovery period. 

elderly people riding bikes

A Fresh Set of Eyes

Finally, introducing a fresh set of eyes to assist your loved ones with their in-home care can be beneficial.

As with any of us, daily routines can become stale and this is where respite care services from qualified professionals can offer a fresh take on existing caregiving tasks.

Furthermore, the professionals may also be able to assist the existing caregiver on how they can further their support for their loved ones.

Respite Care Services Through Accent Home Care

Through government-funded home care packages, we’re able to offer flexible, temporary respite options when you, as the caregiver, need it most.

We will work with you to discuss the type of respite care you require and tailor the care that your loved one needs during our time with them.

This ensures that you can have a break and the high level of care you have been providing can continue.

If you would like to hear more about how Accent Home Care can assist you with a higher level of home care, call us on (03) 8720 1338 or email us on